sysadmin Idle CPU usage of k3s is high and continuously increases over time Over time I have regularly noticed resource usage slowly creeps up and up until this idle cluster is using obnoxiously high levels of CPU.
sysadmin Setting up a k3s Kubernetes cluster on Proxmox virtual machines with MetalLB What I do have is a machine in my closet running Proxmox VE, and there is absolutely no reason I cannot create a cluster using virtual machines within it. But I struggled to find a single guide that led me through this process in the way I wanted to do it. So here is that guide.
blog Rescuing a 12TB RAID5 array from the brink of disaster I rebooted the system and mdadm was reporting one drive was missing. Weird. It was just working 10 seconds ago. I know it's good. It has served faithfully for a few thousand hours so far. It just passed all of its SMART tests yesterday. This drive has not failed. Why did it disappear from my array?
blog A gentle introduction to parallel programming in Python Python, be default, will only ever utilize a single CPU core at a time. All instructions in your code are run one at a time, in serial, on one core of your CPU. This leaves all of the other cores sitting there doing nothing.
blog Simulating the Monty Hall problem Simple simulation of the famous Monty Hall problem shows the option you should pick on a game show. Inspired by an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Was Any Santiago correct?
data The world-wide rise of obesity The entire world is currently experiencing an obesity epidemic. This map shows world-wide obesity rates from 1975-2016
data Predicting Comcast Xfinity Internet Outages My home internet disconnected every day, multiple times per day. I noticed a pattern in the outages. Here is how I collected and used data to prove it.
blog Super blood wolf moon The super blood wolf moon was last night. Here are a few of the top shots from my older Canon camera.
blog Does this place look a little empty? This is the new version of my personal website. I just migrated from WordPress to a different CMS system.