Super blood wolf moon

Last night was the super blood wolf moon.

In Houston it started at about 8:40 pm and peaked at 11:20 pm. Surprisingly, the sky was super clear and it was visible the entire time, even from within the city. It was pretty cold (by Houston standards), but I went out a few times to check it out.

There are, of course, higher quality shots of it on the internet, but I did take my now 10+ year old Canon Rebel Xti with a telephoto lens out and got a couple pretty decent shots of it. My camera definitely started to struggle as the Eclipse went on.

In hindsight I should have used a tripod to get longer exposures. These were all captured hand held.

My favorites are below.

The lunar eclipse at 9:55 pm. f/5.6, 1/3200 sec, ISO-1600, 250mm
The lunar eclipse at 10:14 pm. f/5.6, 1/250 sec, ISO-400, 250 mm
The lunar eclipse at 10:48 pm. f/5.6, 1/15 sec, ISO-1600, 250 mm
The lunar eclipse at 11:10 pm (almost totality). f/5.6, 1/25 sec, ISO-1600, 250 mm